Release Pearl Harbor in Best Video Format
Now you can download full Pearl Harbor in top quality with duration 183 Min and has been aired on 2001-05-21 with MPAA rating is 515.- Original Title : Pearl Harbor
- Movie title in your country : Pearl Harbor
- Year of movie : 2001
- Genres of movie : War,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 2001-05-21
- Companies of movie : Jerry Bruckheimer Films, Touchstone Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : Français, English, 日本語,
- Durationof movie : 183 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.3
- Youtube ID of movie : RGwI-392jfE
- Cast of movie :Ben Affleck (Capt. Rafe McCawley), Josh Hartnett (Capt. Danny Walker), Kate Beckinsale (Nurse Lt. Evelyn Johnson), Cuba Gooding Jr. (Petty Officer Doris Miller), Jon Voight (President Franklin Delano Roosevelt), Alec Baldwin (Lt. Col. James Doolittle), Tom Sizemore (Sgt. Earl Sistern), William Lee Scott (Lt. Billy Thompson), Greg Zola (Lt. Anthony Fusco), Ewen Bremner (Lt. Red Winkle), Jaime King (Nurse Betty Bayer), Catherine Kellner (Nurse Barbara), Jennifer Garner (Nurse Sandra), Sara Rue (Nurse Martha), Michael Shannon (Lt. Gooz Wood), Dan Aykroyd (Capt. Thurman), Colm Feore (Adm. Husband E. Kimmel), John Fujioka (Nishikura), Mako (Adm. Isoroku Yamamoto), Jesse James (Young Rafe), Reiley McClendon (Young Danny), William Fichtner (Danny's Father), Steve Rankin (Rafe's Father), Brian Haley (Training Captain), Graham Beckel (Adm. Chester W. Nimitz)
Movie summary of Pearl Harbor :
Release Pearl Harbor in HD Video with movie summary "The lifelong friendship between Rafe McCawley and Danny Walker is put to the ultimate test when the two ace fighter pilots become entangled in a love triangle with beautiful Naval nurse Evelyn Johnson. But the rivalry between the friends-turned-foes is immediately put on hold when they find themselves at the center of Japan's devastating attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941." in HD format. Free Streaming Pearl Harbor in Best Look by viewing the download link.
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Screenplay : Randall Wallace, Producer : Michael Bay, Producer : Jerry Bruckheimer, Producer : Kenny Bates, Executive Producer : Scott Gardenhour, Executive Producer : Bruce Hendricks, Producer : K.C. Hodenfield, Producer : Jennifer Klein, Executive Producer : Chad Oman, Line Producer : Selwyn Roberts, Producer : Pat Sandston, Executive Producer : Mike Stenson, Executive Producer : Barry H. Waldman, Executive Producer : Randall Wallace, Original Music Composer : Hans Zimmer, Director of Photography : John Schwartzman, Editor : Roger Barton, Editor : Mark Goldblatt, Editor : Chris Lebenzon, Editor : Steven Rosenblum, Casting : Bonnie Timmermann, Production Design : Nigel Phelps, Art Direction : Jon Billington, Art Direction : William Ladd Skinner, Set Decoration : Eliza Solesbury, Set Decoration : Jennifer Williams, Costume Design : Mitzi Haralson, Costume Design : Michael Kaplan, Director : Michael Bay, Modeling : Ross Shuman
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Tags: patriotism, hawaii, second world war, pearl harbor, us air force, army, world war ii,
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